Delubrum Reginae: Savage
Late Night's Short guide
Phone users: landscape orientation recommended
° Summary °
Party A/B/C:
Party D/E/F:
⚠️ This guide only contains major mechanics & bosses!
© Late Night Discord
Guide by Helios Dhanu (Spriggan)
With the help of:
Laerin Hiraeth (Cerberus), Katha Nese (Ragnarok), Lebreau Vanih (Cerberus),
Hisa Kiyo (Cerberus), Kyoko Sakimuri (Cerberus), Diyani Theyn (Louisoix)
° 1ST TRASH: Slimes (A/B/C PARTY) °
• Important:
- Never stay mid + No AoEs (esp. Assizes & Dances)
- No use of offensive lost actions
• Traps:
- 2 in random rooms, 1 in mid corridor• Slimes' goal:
- A big green slime must explode on every green pad within a 15 seconds interval
• Green Slimes (Viscous Clot):
- Wave of 3 slimes appear mid periodically
- Become bigger & gain stacks by fusing with other green slimes
- At 5 stacks, explode & activate their green pad
- Begin at 2 stacks, need 3 more (1 stack = 1 green slime)
• Tanks:
- 4 tanks pick up 1 wave of green slimes and bring it to a room
- 1 tank in each room keeps one big slime on their green pad
• Healers:
- Pull a green slime for their tank twice, then a 3rd last green slime
WAIT for Raid Leader "GO" before making 3rd green fuse with big
• Red Slimes (Sanguine Clot):
- Wave of 1 by 1 in each room (4 total per wave)
- Tether to the first person attacking them
- Are deadly if fused with any other slime
• Ranged & Casters:
- If assigned to a room, pull red slime out of it
(Your marker = your room)
- Bring it to nearest North / South pad to kill it
OTHER DPS: If not assigned to a room, you'll be either North or South
• Slimes fight VOD (tank POV):
• Slimes fight VOD (heal POV):
° 1ST TRASH: Golems (D/E/F PARTY) °
• Important:
- Golems killing order: Blue > Green > White > Red (ABCD)
(No split of DPS here, everyone except tank / healers & ranged from F moves together)
- No use of offensive lost actions
• Traps:
- 2 in random rooms, 1 in mid corridor• Golems' goals:
- Kill each bicolor golem on their corresponding colored pad
- Golems change color with "Metamorphosis" (can be interrupted)
Metamorphosis? (Blue & Green golems)
- Interrupt every "Metamorphosis" cast from those bicolor golems
1. Blue Golem:
- Uses a purple AoE tank buster which inflicts a deadly dot
- Healers need to "Esuna" this dot ASAP
2. Green Golem:
- Can eat nearby ruins golems, gaining a damage buff in the process
(Use cooldowns and / or invuln if this happens!)
Metamorphosis? (White & Red golems)
- Let 1 "Metamorphosis" cast go through for those bicolor golems to turn the right color, then interrupt every next one
3. White Golem:
- Blue first. Uses the same tank buster while blue
- Once white, uses a self-benediction at 30% remaining health
Kill it before it finishes its cast
4. Red Golem:
- Green first. Can eat ruins golems while green
- Once red, tethers to the first player doing any damage to it
This includes dots and autos!
- Its autos are deadly. Lower its health, then wait for Slimes "GO"
Use invuln to kill it safely on its pad when given "GO"
- Ranged from party F interrupt Metamorphosis casts
• Golems fight VOD:
• Important:
- Try to always stay close to the boss
- Mechanics listed may overlap together
- After this fight, 6 traps await. Don't rush!
• Fourfold Mercy AKA "Slashes"
- Same as normal mode, but faster
- Casts First → Fourth Mercy then unleashes them all one after another
Calls in this example would be: 2 → 1 → 4 → 3
• Clone's Fourfold Mercy AKA "Clone Slashes"
- Trinity Seeker uses a clone for his Fourfold Mercy. Cleaves will emit from it
Calls in this example would be: B → 2 → A → 1
• Animated version (careful, slashes are actually faster than this!) :
• Seeker slashes clip:
Seeker slashes are always followed by Seasons of Mercy
• Clone slashes clip:
• Seasons of Mercy
- Criss-cross ice AoE → Look away (petrify) orb → Criss-cross ice AoE → Growing pink AoE
Calls in this example would be: look away from 2 → go away from 3
• Orb + Flower clip n°1:
• Orb + Flower clip n°2:
• Iron Splitter + Dead Iron
- Dead Iron targets 3 players with Earth Shakers shooting from mid
- Spread those away from the group while standing on Sand / Tiles
Highlighted in white = Boss // In turquoise = Clone
Left: Tiles exploding // Right: Sand exploding
• Sand & Tiles + Earth Shakers clip:
• Sand & Tiles + Slashes clip:
• Trinity Seeker fight VOD:
• Post fight traps clip:
• Important:
- Guards can tether together and buff each other if too close
- ABC focus Knight & Soldier // DEF focus Warrior & Gunner
- Guards need to die at the same time (if one dies, the other uses Enrage cast)
- This fight's mechanics will be re-used on the Queen
• Queen's Guards fight VOD:
° Phase 1: Knight & Warrior °
Knight & Warrior
Fight begins with them tethering together to be immune to a certain type of damage (magical or physical)• Healers' Spellforge / Steelsting
Spellforge: Apply on all physical players from your party
Steelsting: Apply on all magical players from your party
Hybrid jobs? These jobs use both physical and magical attacks.
They will need the correct buff (will be called by RL) each time
Note: Remember to reapply the buff if a player dies!What if I have the incorrect buff? You can either click off your current Spellforge / Steelsting buff, or make a macro like the one below
• Spellforge clip:
• Steelsting clip:
• Boost
- Damage up buff on Warrior. Must be dispelled with “Lost Dispel”
• Boost with Dispel clip:
• Reversal of Forces AKA "Debuff"
- Warrior tethers bombs and / or players, reversing their gravity
• Shield OR Sword Omen + Bombs
- Shield: Knock back from center + AoE on the edge
- Sword: Go to the edges, AoE center
• Shield Omen with Debuff clip:
• Sword Omen no Debuff clip:
• Winds of Weight
- Debuff to wind (green) // No debuff to gravity (purple)
• Optimal Play
- 3 Claws, no Claw = SAFE // Shield: IN & Sword: OUT
⚠️ There is no melee uptime during Winds of Weight
• Wind / Gravity + Shield clip:
• Wind / Gravity + Sword clip:
• Queen's Guards Phase 1 clip:
° Phase 2: Soldier & Gunner °
Soldier & Gunner
• Reading AKA "Open Spot"
- All players will have 1 random safe side, represented by the open spot on the circle around them
• Open Spot with jumpy clones clip:
• Great Ball of Fire + Queen's Shot
- 4 fire orbs will turn into frogs & move around the arena, then explode
- Point your open spot towards the Gunner, then towards a turret on the side
• Open Spot with turrets clip n°1:
• Open Spot with turrets clip n°2:
• Icy & Fiery Portent
Ice: Keep moving- casting doesn't count (Freeze)
Fire: Stop moving / casting / attacking (Pyretic)
• Ice clip:
• Fire clip:
• Gun Turret + Sniper Shot
- 2 gun turrets will use "Sniper Shot", which has to be taken by a tank & invuln'ed
(Gun turrets are enmity based)
• Gun turret + Sniper shot clip n°1:
• Gun turret + Sniper shot clip n°2:
• Queen's Guards Phase 2 clip:
° Phase 3: Wards °
• Coat of Arms AKA "Shields"
- All Guards will regularly shield themselves on two sides
- Be careful: attack them on their unshielded sides to avoid getting hit, stunned & knocked back
• Overview:
- 4 Guards with wards to kill before Enrage cast is finished- 12 Spiritual Spheres
Healers positions = link- 2 Aura Spheres
Parties ABC = NORTH Aura Sphere // Parties DEF = SOUTH Aura Sphere
2 waves of Spheres will spawn!
• Aura Spheres + Spite Check
- Need to be provoked for deadly tank buster
- When killed in time, "Spite Check" will be announced by a red marker above the targeted player's head
Use your invuln when this happens
• Aura Sphere + Spite Check clip:
• Spiritual Spheres
- Use circle AoE x2 then explode, giving all players a damage down
- Healers need to stand in the AoE with the buff "Lost Reflect"
• Spiritual Sphere clip:
• Queen's Guards Phase 3 clip:
• Queen's Guards fight VOD:
• Important:
- Trinity Avowed raid wides (Glory of Bozja) need extra mitigation
- Shell II is for healers to apply before the fight
- Lost Aethershield is for tanks to use throughout the fight
- Each weapon has 2 different rotations, followed by Glory of Bozja
• Temperature?
- Debuff ranging from -2 to +2. Needs to be resolved by being neutral (0)
• Brand?
- Timed debuff ranging from -2 to +2. Unlike a temperature, a brand cannot be changed
• Brand & Temperature?
- Brand is always paired with temperature. There are 16 possible combinations: link
Note: Some combinations, such as +1 & +2 (resulting in a total +3), are only present in Sword as it is the only weapon allowing you to get hit twice
• How do I solve Brand, then?
To be neutral, you will need to change your temperature to be the opposite of your brand. Hence, you'll nullify your brand and can survive by achieving one of these combinations:
Brand only appears on the second rotation of each weapon!
= go away
1st rotation: Quick March
- 4 proximity AoEs on intercardinals: be mid. Spawn meteors with -2 to +2 temperatures
- Quick March = 2 squares towards a random direction indicated by debuff
Use Quick March to get to the correct meteor to be neutral
2nd rotation: Unseen Eye (Clones)
- Same as n°1, but no Quick March
- 6 clones will appear on the edges of the arena & use line AoEs. 1 safe square per meteor
• Staff 1 clip:
• Staff 2 clip:
= go behind
1st rotation: Quick March & Flames of Bozja
- Use your Quick March to get to the side without flames (West or East)
- Trinity Avowed shoots 4 temperature arrows, leaving 1 neutral field free:
- Resolve this to get hit by the correct arrow (or not, if you need to be neutral)
⚠️ Arrows' paths are not visible in Savage!2nd rotation: Clones & Flames + Quick March
- Sprint to the side without flames (West or East) after clones' lines AoEs
- Ladder Game n°2, this time with a random Quick March (Forced March = 2 squares)
• How to trace arrows' paths clip:
• Bow 1 clip:
• Bow 2 clip:
= go front
1st & 2nd rotations: Clones + Blade of Entropy x2
- Get hit by the correct sword cleave to be neutral
- There will be 2 cleaves, so 2 chances. On sword 2, you may need to be hit twice
(For example: if you get a +2 temperature AND brand, resulting in a total +4)
• How to move safely during Sword clip:
• Sword 1 clip:
• Sword 2 clip:
• Trinity Avowed fight VOD:
• Post fight traps clip:
⚠️ Stygimoloch's Lord difficulty comes from its adds phase. It'll be the one we'll explain• Adds phase:
- 2 safe areas: Inner Circle & Outer Circle
- Purple = unsafe wall of death // Orange = traps possible spawns
Additional image (top view) for this phase: link• Entrapment = Traps (1 wave of 4)
- Dedicated trapper tanks will pop traps with invuln. As a rule of thumb: markers' alcoves (notches) are always safe
• Traps danger example clip:
Traps can appear in alcoves which have no markers: only letter markers are safe!
• Trapper clip:
The "invuln" used in this clip is actually a Lost Excellence: it acts like one for 10 secs!
• Mino Adds (4 adds will spawn, phase ends when all 4 are dead)
- Their autos inflict a "Twice-Come Ruin" stack of debuff
- If too close to another mino (boss included), tether and gain speed
- Kited clockwise by 4 tanks, starting at each cardinal / marker
• Mino kiting clip:
This is purely an example of kiting: mino tanks will never pop their own traps
• Healer orbs (∞ Waves of 2)
- Ball of Earth: dispel their shield, then 1 spell is enough to kill them
- Ball of Fire: reflect their circle AoE to kill them (same as QG)
• Ball of Earth clip:
• Ball of Fire clip:
• Labyrinthe Fate AKA "Debuff" + Fateful Words
- Sacrifice's Fate: boss will pull you in
- Wanderer's Fate: boss will push you
• Devastating Bolt
- A lightning line will make only alcoves of both circles safe
• Wanderer's Fate clip:
• Sacrifice's Fate clip:
• Lightning circle clip n°1:
• Lightning circle clip n°2:
• Stygimoloch Lord fight VOD:
• Important:
- The Queen is a combination of Queen's Guards + her own mechanics
- The Queen raid wides ("Empyrean Iniquity" & "Gods Save the Queen") need extra mitigation
- Shell II is for healers to apply before the fight
- Lost Aethershield is for tanks to use throughout the fight
• Queen’s Will AKA "Easy Chess"
- 3 lines appear, they meet = circle AoE. Find the 2 parallel lines
- 2 by 2 Guards will step a number indicated above their heads, & use a cross-shaped AoE
• Easy Chess clip n°1:
• Easy Chess clip n°2:
• Queen's Edict AKA "Super Chess"
- 2 by 2 Guards will step a number indicated above their heads, & use a rectangle AoE
- Queen teleports mid and becomes untargetable
- You get 2 Forced Steps debuffs: 1st one = shortest (21 secs) // 2nd one = longest (36 secs)
- These debuffs will resolve SEPARATELY as they both have different timers
- The Queen will cleave all the arena except 1 safe blue square, either North or South
• How to resolve this?
If you see this above your head, you've gone too far! Go back
• Super Chess clip:
• Sovereignty & Maelstrom’s Bolt
- Dispel 4 Queen buffs
- Reflect lightning orbs with Light Curtain
- Get under the protective dome
• Light Curtain clip:
• Relentless Plays n°1 to n°4
- The Queen combines her forces with her Guards'
• The Queen fight VOD:
• Relentless Plays
1. Warrior + Gunner
- Parallel lines → (Debuff →) Wind / Gravity puddles → Open spot to Gunner → to turret
• Relentless n°1 clip:
2. Knight + Soldier
- Knock back from center with Queen slash (3 different patterns)
- Tethered clones' AoEs with Queen slash (3 different patterns)
• Relentless n°2 clip:
3. Knight + Gunner
- Knight position bait → Shield / Sword claws' AoE → Turrets' lines AoE → Lightning orbs
• Relentless n°3 (Shield Omen) clip:
• Relentless n°3 (Sword Omen) clip:
4. Warrior + Soldier
- Knock back from blue line (2 squares) → (Debuff →) Freeze / Pyretic → Bombs
• Relentless n°4 clip:
1. LATE NIGHT’S “Reverse path” METHOD:
This is the method our Raid Leaders will call
• Short video:
• Example clip with calls:
This is the most commonly used method accross DRS discords, but it won't be called by Late Night who uses the 'Reverse Path' one
• Images to help with Super Chess 'Wall Strat': link
You’ve cleared Delubrum Reginae: Savage. Or at least, its guide… Once you do clear though, find your Cerberus mount in your achievements: “Battle” → “Field Operations” tab
PS: Don’t be afraid if you’re still on the floor when the Queen dies! Everyone in the arena gets the achievement ✨